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Australian Pink Clay
Deep Pore CleanserArticles in this section
Whether it be a juice cleanse or a cleaning spree, you might have indulged in a detox or two, but what about for your skin? The best way to protect your largest organ from the elements is to remove those toxins acquired from food, lifestyle, or the environment.
Our skin reacts to our body, which means if it’s not functioning properly it can show on your skin. From eating too much junk food to forgetting to wipe makeup off, stress is the main culprit of annoying breakouts, dullness, irritation, excess oil, and more. Your body is like a car. The wear and tear of cheap gas eventually catches up to you, causing bigger problems. Fueling up with the best makes for a smoother ride—or skin.
Your skin is your body's largest organ, which gives you an idea of how important it is to take care of it. Detoxing your skin means eliminating toxins, impurities, dead skin, and toxins to rejuvenate. Every day your skin is affected by your diet and lifestyle.
Adding detoxification to your skin care routine will cleanse, treat, brighten, and moisturize your skin back to its natural glow.
Here are five must-have skin detoxing tips to clean your complexion on the deepest level.
Food is your fuel, especially a healthy diet. This is a harsh reality check when you love a juicy burger, or salty fries, but its greasy goodness isn’t helping your skin. Eat fruits and vegetables like carrots, bananas, avocados, and broccoli to glow from the inside out.
You may not always be able to resist temptation, but adding more effort to your daily skincare routine makes a difference.
Next time you’re in the shower, get to scrub-a-dub-dubbing! Use a gentle exfoliator to purge your skin of all the grime from makeup, oil, dead skin cells, and toxins. Our Flash Perfection Exfoliator Treatment removes all the built-up congestion and replaces it with much-needed moisture.
After cleansing, steam your face to open up your pores to allow the ingredients to soak and remove as much dirt as possible. This can be done in the shower, or feel free to boil a pot of water, transfer it to a bowl, and hover your face over it. For the best results, try steaming for five to ten minutes.
Hydrate from the inside out. Water is your best friend, so drink a lot to maintain balanced pH levels. This is a daily task recommended for everyone to tackle toxins in their body, but sometimes it can be daunting to keep up.
Don’t feel like you have to kiss juice or soda goodbye, but take a break if your skin needs a boost. Spruce up the detox by cutting a few slices of citrus fruit or cucumber to add more vitamins and flavor.
Detox facial treatments revitalize the skin, support a healthy skin care regime, and are a fantastic de-stressor. Our Pink Clay Total Detox Kit will leave you glowing from head to toe. The sand and clay duo is suitable for all skin types three times a week. Apply the clay mask to freshly cleansed, dry skin using the brush, then remove with a warm damp cloth. A scoop of sand goes a long way. Rub it in circular minions onto wet skin, then rinse.
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